Shipping Methods
We can ship to virtually any addresses in the world including the major destinations such as USA, Europe, Australia, etc...
As for the shipping method, here we offer 3 options for you to choose:
1. Air package from Hong Kong Affiliated Agent of China Post that will take 10 to 20 working days;
2. Expedited courier by EMS, which will take 7 to 10 working days.
3. DHL, TNT or UPS that will reach your hand in 3 to 5 working days.
Attention:Difference countries exists different situation,the delivery time above is on the basis of major nationals,if you're in remote area,you can have a reference
In order to ensure that you receive your ordered item faster, we will automatically match the fastest shipping method according to your ordered items and country.
When placing order,please select one shipping method, then the shipping cost will be resulted automatically according to the pricelist of relevant shipping company.
Besides,we offer Free Shipping to the following countries:
Note:In order to ensure that you receive your ordered item faster, we will automatically match the fastest shipping method according to your ordered items and country.
United States Albania Australia Austria Belarus Belgium Bulgaria Canada Chile Colombia Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Egypt Finland France |
Germany Hong Kong SAR China Hungary India Indonesia Ireland Israel Italy Japan Jordan Kazakhstan Lithuania Malaysia Netherlands New Zealand Nigeria Norway |
Poland Portugal Romania Russia Saudi Arabia Singapore Slovenia South Africa South Korea Spain Sweden Swaziland Thailand Turkey Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom |